At Sigatoka River Safari your personal safety is our primary concern and as such we have created this policy which we believe clearly defines what we will do during times of inclement weather.
It should be noted that Sigatoka River Safari reserves the right to cancel or amend any trip due to river, road or weather conditions. Stringent safety procedures are observed.
We wish to advise all our guests that the absolute FINAL DECISION as to whether the safari jet boat and or Off Road Cave Safari departs the jetty rest solely with the jet boat captain and ATV Driver. The captains and drivers will determine based on current weather, predicted weather and his/her own knowledge of the area and river as to whether the boat or ATV shall depart as planned.
It should be noted that the Boat Captain will provide all guests with the option to return to base should the tour encounter unexpected rain fall, however should guests advise their Captain that they are happy to proceed past our noted “Point of No Return” regardless of the weather from that point forward, the collective decision of those on board to proceed will negate any ability by guests to claim a refund etc. Should the tour return to base before the Point of No Return, the company will offer all on board the option to amend & OR be reimbursed for their adventure.
Should a guest decide before departing the base that they no longer wish to participate on the tour and the tour does ion fact proceed, unfortunately the guest will only have the option to amend their date of travel and NOT seek a refund, in line with the company’s existing Cancellation Policy.
Our point of no return is as shown below:-
Your boat captains have all amassed over 2000 hours of driving on the Sigatoka River and are well versed with the river and its constantly changing nature.
The Sigatoka River whilst the longest in Viti Levu does have many areas which are shallow and thus due to the jet boat design and mechanism MUST travel on its plane at all times to prevent the boat being stuck in river shallows. For this reason, should rain fall whilst you are in motion, the boat Captain MUST continue at a safe speed to keep the boat on its plane. Unfortunately this does mean you may face some discomfort from the rain hitting you at speed, however your Captain will stop where ever possible and explain to ALL on board whether he/she believes that waiting there until the rain passes is the best course of action or whether he/she can safely get you to your destination.
Whilst we acknowledge the discomfort caused by jet boating in rain, we do hope that you understand that it is our priority to safely convey you to your destination and we will at all times ensure that your time exposed to adverse weather is minimal.
It should be noted that as you are visiting areas which are remote and away from more developed parts of Fiji, you will encounter muddy paths, slippery areas and it it requested that all care be taken and please do not hesitate to ask your Captains/guides for assistance as they will be more that happy to do this.
We trust that this explains what will do in the event of wet weather and we hope that this policy clearly illustrates that at all times our focus is on ensuring your safety and well being. It is hoped that should anyone have any queries about this that they would raise them before departing on tour so that any uncertainty can be resolved pre-tour rather than following your Safari adventure!!